Chief Confidence Whisperer

I coach people who want to knock it out of the ballpark when they step on to a stage.  My favorite moment is when a client’s eyes light up as they see the impact their newly crafted talk is going to make!

As an international speaker and trainer, my topics help speakers who want to take it to the next level, sales teams who want to better leverage their pitch, and professionals who want to improve their communication skills.

I’ve also written two books to help you maximize your opportunity when you get on a stage:  Write a Killer Talk and  Formulate A Winning Presentation.

I have been blessed with amazing mentors in my life, and I can never pay them back. The best I can do is to pay it forward. So, as a speaker coach, I help people find their internal gift so they can deliver it with clarity and make their desired impact.


Certified Instructional Designer

combining Adult Learning Principles with creativity help you shine

Award Winning Toastmaster

and continues to educate and entertain audiences today!

Over 25 years experience

working with speakers and trainers